Qualified by:
- Thirty-five years of music teaching, performing, receiving regional/national recognition
- National Board Certified, Highly Qualified Teacher Status, Advanced Degree
- Service in varied roles as creator, coordinator and collaborator
- Specialized training in curriculum design, assessments and professional protocols
- Life-long learner and reflective practitioner
Key Skills:
- Leadership
- Communication
- Creative problem solving
- Team-building
- Dedication
- Organization
- Self-motivation
- Systems design
Orchestra Director and String Specialist, Newark High School, Shue-Medill Middle School
- Designed and implemented a string instruction program for grades 6-12. Integrated winds, percussion (full orchestra) and choral ensembles in performances.
- Incorporated yearly composer commissions, multi-media performances, and music technology—iPad and Sibelius software—into the curriculum for student composition projects.
- Organized frequent and varied student performances and activities including festival adjudications, visiting artists, performance trips and guest clinicians.
- In competition, performing groups received many first place honors and superior ratings.
- Special Recognition for Newark HS Orchestra— Carnegie Hall performance (2012), Grammy Signature School (2010); performances at Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage (2010) and MENC Eastern Division Conventions (1999 & 1997)
District Music Chair (2006-2019)
- Co-Chair the Christina School District Visual and Performing Arts Council
- Co-manage spending of $250,000 budget for district’s visual/performing arts program
- Established protocols of governance for the Council
- Plan and facilitate professional development for music staff
- Compile teaching schedules district-wide
- Coordinated district musical instrument inventories, repair, procurement
- Coordinate district Visual & Performing Arts Calendar for 25 buildings
- Facilitated district curriculum design and District Music Task Force
- Coordinated interviews and selection of prospective teachers and assisted with new staff orientation
- Technology: fluent in Microsoft Office, e-School, Schoology, iTracker, GarageBand
Curriculum Training/Design/Assessment and Related Experience
- Whole Child Development training (2013-2014)—participating in ongoing curriculum training to meet needs of diverse cultural backgrounds
- Delaware State Education Association Teacher Evaluation Task Force (2014)
- National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS), 2013—participated in peer review process of vetting of national arts standards
- Social Action Through Music Symposium (2012)—participated as a teacher/leader in learning El Sistema methods
- DE Performance Appraisal System II Component 5 Student Growth Model Design (2011-2013)—designed evaluation tool to measure student growth in music, as part of a state teacher evaluation system
- Christina Music Curriculum Design Chair (2007-2009)—designed district curriculum units of instruction to meet state/national standards
- DE Department of Education (DOE) unit design juror training and Understanding by Design (UbD) facilitator training programs (2007-2008)—received UbD training, served as a juror for the assessment of teacher units of instruction for DOE
- DE Department of Education Curriculum Design Committee for Visual and Performing Arts (2006-2007)—served at the state level to design state curriculum to align with national standards
- Music Learning Theory Certification—elementary general (2004), instrumental (1998)
- Delaware Professional Standards Board (2013-2016)
- Delaware Chamber Music Festival Board (2014-16)
- Delaware Symphony Education Council (2014-15)
- DE Department of Education Visual and Performing Arts Council (2010-12)
- Delaware All-State Orchestra Chair (1991, 1992, 2004, 2006)
- Pennsylvania/Delaware String Teachers Board (1999-2004)
- National High School Honors Orchestra DE Coordinator (1993-2003)
- Philadelphia Orchestra Education Advisory Council (1990-1992)
Professional Orchestral Violinist:
- Delaware Symphony Orchestra—contracted member since 1988
- Newark Symphony Orchestra—concertmaster (1990-99)
- Freelance symphonic violinist in Philadelphia area (1985-88)
- Spoleto Festival Orchestra (1985)
Additional Teaching Experience:
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE (1993-96)—adjunct staff
- Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Arts (1982)—staff
- Private violin instruction (1980-90)
Professional Conductor:
- Newark Symphony Guest Conductor (1997-98)
- Delaware Youth Orchestra, Director (1994-95)
- String Day, West Chester University (1994)
Master of Music
Instrumental Conducting, University of Delaware, Newark, DE (1997)
Bachelor of Music
Violin Performance, New School of Music, Philadelphia, PA (1986)
—student of Jascha Brodsky
Graduate credits (10)
Master of Music Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Additional Studies
Philadelphia College of Performing Arts, Philadelphia, PA (1980-82)
—student of Robert dePasquale
Meadowmount School (1981)—student of David Cerone
Immaculata College, Immaculata, PA (Fall 1979)
Diploma (1979)
Springfield High School, Springfield, PA—Valedictorian (4.0 GPA)
National Board Certified Teacher (2005-2025)
Delaware Professional Standards Board Member (2013-2017)—gubernatorial appointment
School Band and Orchestra Magazine’s “Fifty Directors Who Make a Difference,” December, 2013
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 1994, 1996, 2005
Newark High School Honored Teacher, 1992, 1997, 2000
American Federation of Musicians